2007年6月26日 星期二
7/13 New Poster!!
7月13號(五) 8:00 PM
La llorona: The Weeping Woman / 哭泣的女人
預售一周前開售 accepting reservation from 7/6
Ticket price/ 票價:
reservation price/ 預售:300 NTD(with a drink/ 附飲料)
at the door/ 現場350 NTD(with a drink/ 附飲料)
venue: Kafka on the Shore
地點: 海邊的卡夫卡
2F , No.2 , Lane 244 , Sec 3 , Roosevelt Rd , Taipei
(close to MRT GongGuan or Taipower Building station)
Tel/ 電話:02-23641996
劇照搶先看 / La Llorona photo show:
2007年6月19日 星期二
7/13 黑色星期五 8pm. 人間包 RenjianBao One Only Gig in Taipei.
7月13號(五) 8:00 PM
La llorona: The Weeping Woman / 哭泣的女人
預售一周前開售 accepting reservation from 7/6
Ticket price/ 票價:
reservation price/ 預售:300 NTD(with a drink/ 附飲料)
at the door/ 現場350 NTD(with a drink/ 附飲料)
venue: Kafka on the Shore
地點: 海邊的卡夫卡
2F , No.2 , Lane 244 , Sec 3 , Roosevelt Rd , Taipei
(close to MRT GongGuan or Taipower Building station)
Tel/ 電話:02-23641996
各位大人們, 早早把你的孩子送上床吧, 這是一場你從沒見過的偶戲.
Okay, parents--put the kids to bed. PG time is over. It's a puppet show like no other puppet show you've ever seen:
哭泣的女人 "La Llorona: The Weeping Woman"
Part Weird Mexican Ghost Story. Part historical black comedy.
一場愛的悲劇, 一個古老永恆的詛咒, 這一切, 是由西班牙大舉進軍殖民墨西哥所引起的.
A tragic tale of love, loss and eternal damnation, set against the backdrop of the Spanish conquest of Mexico.
We, the puppeteers of Ren Jian Bao feel this show is pretty okay for kids of all ages. But be forewarned: This show contains scenes of puppet on puppet violence, puppet murder, puppet rape, blood, puke, the destruction of proud indigenous cultures, and a potty-mouthed pig.
這場表演將由西班牙文,中文,與英文共同呈現, 只要你懂其中一種, 就可以懂全部.
This show is presented in Spanish, Chinese and English. If you speak any one of those languages this show is for you.
我們還有一人樂隊挑梁演出, 獨家運用14種樂器, 光是看他也很有趣:)
And our 14-piece one-man band is not to be missed. Seeing Kevin play the drums with his feet is already worth the price of admission.
演員/cast: Adam Ende.Tomas Edgar Luna Lopez,XiaoMo/但唐謨,YuChen/禹辰
樂手/musician: Kevin.
製作/Produce: 人間包偶戲院/RenjianBao Puppet theater
Kafka on the Shore blog/ 海邊卡夫卡部落格
foto by MiaoRu
2007年6月15日 星期五
又有觀眾“落跑“ :o
前幾天,有對夫婦與他們的小孩很喜歡La Llorona這齣戲於是出資邀我們
去立人國小演出,有兩班的小朋友與他們的老師一起來觀賞. 他們的英文
老師是住在南非的白人. 戲才看到一半, 他們兩位就跑了, 據說臉上的神情
也不好看. 是看到哪一段呢, 是看到La Llorona被一位西班牙士兵強姦,
耶穌在一旁“顯靈“的那一段, 事後家長跟我說, 那兩位是虔誠的教徒, 且剛好
與歐洲殖民南非的情況相仿. 於是他們看不下去了......
不過, 總之, 謝謝這對開明有趣的夫婦, 這位先生很有趣, 他是位婦產科醫生,
據說他太太有第一胎時, 他可是緊張的不得了, “每一天“都照超音波看自己
去立人國小演出,有兩班的小朋友與他們的老師一起來觀賞. 他們的英文
老師是住在南非的白人. 戲才看到一半, 他們兩位就跑了, 據說臉上的神情
也不好看. 是看到哪一段呢, 是看到La Llorona被一位西班牙士兵強姦,
耶穌在一旁“顯靈“的那一段, 事後家長跟我說, 那兩位是虔誠的教徒, 且剛好
與歐洲殖民南非的情況相仿. 於是他們看不下去了......
不過, 總之, 謝謝這對開明有趣的夫婦, 這位先生很有趣, 他是位婦產科醫生,
據說他太太有第一胎時, 他可是緊張的不得了, “每一天“都照超音波看自己
2007年6月7日 星期四
偶(嘔)戲欣賞(1).-The Copulating Mermaid of Venice, California
看完後, 可以有句很棒的title是:
I Love You Dead Bitch.
well, it's nothing to do with 911 tough.
劇名叫 "在加州的威尼斯與美人魚相幹" -
故事依照 查爾斯.布考司基 的原著來演. 台灣也有出版, 這個短篇收錄在
“ 進去. 出來. 結束“ 裡. 戲裡的兩個酒鬼他們發現了一個女屍於是把她帶
回家@%..*&%.,我們分不清這個個故事到底是悲傷還是有趣, 不管如何, 當
這齣偶戲在西雅圖演出時幾乎被觀眾噓下台. 呴, 好像真的挺噁心的.
不過巧的是我書看得很少, 卻偏偏對這個短篇印象深刻,
我說這是個很悲傷的故事, Tony雖是個無賴卻懂浪漫也有真性情.
video link:
and this is Bukowski
it's a great photo, right?!
Modest Mouse 早期也有首歌叫Bukowski, 用斑鳩琴而不用電吉他真是好決定.
see parts of the lyrics:
Well see what you wanna see. You should see it all.
Well take what you want from me. You deserve it all.
I Love You Dead Bitch.
well, it's nothing to do with 911 tough.
劇名叫 "在加州的威尼斯與美人魚相幹" -
故事依照 查爾斯.布考司基 的原著來演. 台灣也有出版, 這個短篇收錄在
“ 進去. 出來. 結束“ 裡. 戲裡的兩個酒鬼他們發現了一個女屍於是把她帶
回家@%..*&%.,我們分不清這個個故事到底是悲傷還是有趣, 不管如何, 當
這齣偶戲在西雅圖演出時幾乎被觀眾噓下台. 呴, 好像真的挺噁心的.
不過巧的是我書看得很少, 卻偏偏對這個短篇印象深刻,
我說這是個很悲傷的故事, Tony雖是個無賴卻懂浪漫也有真性情.
video link:
and this is Bukowski
it's a great photo, right?!
Modest Mouse 早期也有首歌叫Bukowski, 用斑鳩琴而不用電吉他真是好決定.
see parts of the lyrics:
Well see what you wanna see. You should see it all.
Well take what you want from me. You deserve it all.
2007年6月6日 星期三
NEWS!! 人間包表演行程 / RenjianBao Schedule
目前行程全部結束, 準備南遷台南,
另外有團員待產, 處理簽證延期, 結婚, 等重大人生事宜.
no currently shows.
目前行程全部結束, 準備南遷台南,
另外有團員待產, 處理簽證延期, 結婚, 等重大人生事宜.
no currently shows.
Special thank to Almu
alright, it's my fault,
we forget thank to our beautiful Spanish girl friend Almu,
she made a wonderful beautiful Aztec god in our "La Llorona" show
so great right?! the photo shot by her friend.
and here is her friend's blog in Spanish,
some good pictures about La Llorona.
we forget thank to our beautiful Spanish girl friend Almu,
she made a wonderful beautiful Aztec god in our "La Llorona" show
so great right?! the photo shot by her friend.
and here is her friend's blog in Spanish,
some good pictures about La Llorona.
2007年6月5日 星期二
包皮皮包在高雄的"子宮"加演!/ One more Foreskin show in KaohSiung!
Date: 6/22 (Fri) 8pm.
ticket / 票價: 200 Ntd. only/ w/a drink
place/ 地點: 高雄市苓雅區和平一路248號3樓
3F, No.248, HePing 1st Rd. LingYa District, KaohSiung City.
tel: 0912-712-602
在一個叫做"子宮"的複合式空間, 這個場地名聽起來很特別不是嗎?
高雄的朋友們, 龐克硬漢少年們! 快來看這唯一一場在高雄的包皮秀吧,
有偶戲又有搖滾樂, 看我們把"月亮代表我的心"改成催情又暴力,
或是來瞧瞧孕婦打鼓, :o !!!!
警告大家別一邊看秀一邊吃東西, 否則怕你會噴到你女友的臉上喔!!
上次在地下社會表演時, 就有人笑到不能克制, 連我聽到他的笑聲
由人間包偶戲院的成員藉由偶戲, 龐克樂與錄像帶領大家進行
還有美國知名鄉村女歌手Dolly Parton的介紹;還有我們
這麼kuso的劇情, 千萬別錯過了.
另外子宮他們也為了 Foreskin Show 重作了一張海報,
非常非常GAY!! 他們怎麼知道我們的成員不管男生女生都很GAY?!
very funny!!
The Foreskin Show only one gig in KaohSiung !
dear white guy, black guy, gay gus , lesbos!
if u live in KaohSiung, this is the only chance for u to see
this Foreskin Show , please bring ur friends come to have
a drink and watch the show relax on Fri night . this is not
a puppet show for kids, we made this show for people who
can't decide their foreskin destiny! see our description of
the show:
The Foreskin Show:
A multi-media world culture tour featuring puppets,
punk rock, videoand other suprises. The tour takes
us back to ancient china with a ballad about Monkey
King's rebellion in Heaven, then we travel to Mexico
with a mariachi song about a poor drunk guy minding
his own business who gets beat up by the cops.
And we even throw in some Dolly Parton material.
Our feature presentation: "The Foreskin Show" or
"Bao Pi Pi Bao" explores the fascinating and bizarre world
of ritual circumcision, and our crack team of investigative
reporters uncover a secret insidious anti-sex conspiracy
with its offices right here in Taipei City. The plot centers
around a group of child terrorists who are kidnapping baby
boys from hospitals and jewish homes around the world to
save their foreskins from circumcision. What these children
don't know is that there is big money being made in the
illegal trade of foreskins on the black market, and powerful
people with a vested interest in the continued popularity of
人間包 La Llorona 被包養 !
6/8 ( 四 ) 1pm. at RenjianBao Theater.
Extra gig for 鶯歌陶瓷博物館的館員們.
thank u ! 我們有空也想去鶯歌玩!!
Extra gig for 鶯歌陶瓷博物館的館員們.
thank u ! 我們有空也想去鶯歌玩!!
2007年6月2日 星期六
人間包的廁所 / RenJianBao's bathroom
Ryan, the waiter at the Tree Cafe down the street, comes over to our
theater to take a shit all the time. At first everyone thought this
was kind of weird, but then we realized that it's because white guys
hate to squat when they shit. Ha ha!
Ryan says, "It's the best bathroom in Taiwan!"
Come on over and see for yourselves. You can check out our puppets,
and don't miss the fascinating reading material on the bathroom wall!
theater to take a shit all the time. At first everyone thought this
was kind of weird, but then we realized that it's because white guys
hate to squat when they shit. Ha ha!
Ryan says, "It's the best bathroom in Taiwan!"
Come on over and see for yourselves. You can check out our puppets,
and don't miss the fascinating reading material on the bathroom wall!
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