2007年6月5日 星期二

包皮皮包在高雄的"子宮"加演!/ One more Foreskin show in KaohSiung!

Date: 6/22 (Fri) 8pm.
ticket / 票價: 200 Ntd. only/ w/a drink
place/ 地點: 高雄市苓雅區和平一路248號3樓
3F, No.248, HePing 1st Rd. LingYa District, KaohSiung City.
tel: 0912-712-602


在一個叫做"子宮"的複合式空間, 這個場地名聽起來很特別不是嗎?
高雄的朋友們, 龐克硬漢少年們! 快來看這唯一一場在高雄的包皮秀吧,
有偶戲又有搖滾樂, 看我們把"月亮代表我的心"改成催情又暴力,
或是來瞧瞧孕婦打鼓, :o !!!!
警告大家別一邊看秀一邊吃東西, 否則怕你會噴到你女友的臉上喔!!
上次在地下社會表演時, 就有人笑到不能克制, 連我聽到他的笑聲


由人間包偶戲院的成員藉由偶戲, 龐克樂與錄像帶領大家進行
還有美國知名鄉村女歌手Dolly Parton的介紹;還有我們
這麼kuso的劇情, 千萬別錯過了.

另外子宮他們也為了 Foreskin Show 重作了一張海報,
非常非常GAY!! 他們怎麼知道我們的成員不管男生女生都很GAY?!
very funny!!

The Foreskin Show only one gig in KaohSiung !


dear white guy, black guy, gay gus , lesbos!
if u live in KaohSiung, this is the only chance for u to see
this Foreskin Show , please bring ur friends come to have
a drink and watch the show relax on Fri night . this is not
a puppet show for kids, we made this show for people who
can't decide their foreskin destiny! see our description of
the show:

The Foreskin Show:

A multi-media world culture tour featuring puppets,
punk rock, videoand other suprises. The tour takes
us back to ancient china with a ballad about Monkey
King's rebellion in Heaven, then we travel to Mexico
with a mariachi song about a poor drunk guy minding
his own business who gets beat up by the cops.
And we even throw in some Dolly Parton material.

Our feature presentation: "The Foreskin Show" or
"Bao Pi Pi Bao" explores the fascinating and bizarre world
of ritual circumcision, and our crack team of investigative
reporters uncover a secret insidious anti-sex conspiracy
with its offices right here in Taipei City. The plot centers
around a group of child terrorists who are kidnapping baby
boys from hospitals and jewish homes around the world to
save their foreskins from circumcision. What these children
don't know is that there is big money being made in the
illegal trade of foreskins on the black market, and powerful
people with a vested interest in the continued popularity of