2007年6月19日 星期二

7/13 黑色星期五 8pm. 人間包 RenjianBao One Only Gig in Taipei.

7月13號(五) 8:00 PM
La llorona: The Weeping Woman / 哭泣的女人

預售一周前開售 accepting reservation from 7/6
Ticket price/ 票價:
reservation price/ 預售:300 NTD(with a drink/ 附飲料)
at the door/ 現場350 NTD(with a drink/ 附飲料)

venue: Kafka on the Shore
地點: 海邊的卡夫卡
2F , No.2 , Lane 244 , Sec 3 , Roosevelt Rd , Taipei
(close to MRT GongGuan or Taipower Building station)
Tel/ 電話:02-23641996

各位大人們, 早早把你的孩子送上床吧, 這是一場你從沒見過的偶戲.
Okay, parents--put the kids to bed. PG time is over. It's a puppet show like no other puppet show you've ever seen:

哭泣的女人 "La Llorona: The Weeping Woman"

Part Weird Mexican Ghost Story. Part historical black comedy.

一場愛的悲劇, 一個古老永恆的詛咒, 這一切, 是由西班牙大舉進軍殖民墨西哥所引起的.
A tragic tale of love, loss and eternal damnation, set against the backdrop of the Spanish conquest of Mexico.

We, the puppeteers of Ren Jian Bao feel this show is pretty okay for kids of all ages. But be forewarned: This show contains scenes of puppet on puppet violence, puppet murder, puppet rape, blood, puke, the destruction of proud indigenous cultures, and a potty-mouthed pig.

這場表演將由西班牙文,中文,與英文共同呈現, 只要你懂其中一種, 就可以懂全部.
This show is presented in Spanish, Chinese and English. If you speak any one of those languages this show is for you.

我們還有一人樂隊挑梁演出, 獨家運用14種樂器, 光是看他也很有趣:)
And our 14-piece one-man band is not to be missed. Seeing Kevin play the drums with his feet is already worth the price of admission.

演員/cast: Adam Ende.Tomas Edgar Luna Lopez,XiaoMo/但唐謨,YuChen/禹辰
樂手/musician: Kevin.
製作/Produce: 人間包偶戲院/RenjianBao Puppet theater
Kafka on the Shore blog/ 海邊卡夫卡部落格

foto by MiaoRu

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